Find ancient bird fossils with a strange long toe

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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A strange foot preserved in amber in Myanmar is determined to be 99 million years old, revealing the legend of a mysterious ancient bird.
Find ancient bird fossils with a strange long toe
The image of amber kept fossils of birds with unusually long toes.

Elektorornis chenguangi is the name of the new bird. Researchers say the third toe on the bird’s feet is about twice its size.

"I was surprised to see the amber pattern. It shows that the ancient birds are more diverse than we think. They have developed many different features to adapt to the environment," said the paleontologist. Lida Xing from China Geoscience University in Beijing said.

Discovered in 2014 by a local amber merchant in Myanmar’s Hukawng Valley, the origin of this unusual foot is still mysterious until it falls into the hands of paleontologists.

Some traders think it is a lizard, because lizards tend to have long toes.

Although never saw a bird claw look like this before, but the paleontologists knew it was a bird. Like most birds, this foot has four toes, while the lizard has five.

An unusual 9.8 mm toe, thought to belong to a small, smaller bird than a sparrow, probably went extinct with the dinosaurs, about 66 million years ago.

Scanning amber with micro-CT and regenerating the feet, the researchers found that the third toe of the bird is longer than the second toe and 20% longer than the bone in the lower leg.

Comparing these rates with 20 species of extinct birds and 62 species of live birds, the authors showed no matching results.

More strangely, these rates are also not found in any other living animals. Although some of the living organisms also have a long third leg, they are used to grip branches and cling to the surface better, but in fact, the authors cannot find any other creature that has Such strange toes.

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