The mysterious 2,000-year-old mummy in China still has blood

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The mummy of Lady Dai Xin Zhui, in the Han Dynasty, in China is considered the most mysterious mummy in the world. Because when found, the mummy was “preserved“ in a fairly intact state.
The mysterious 2,000-year-old mummy in China still has blood
Photo of the reconstruction (right) and the mummy of Ms. Xin Zhui.

In 1971, it was discovered that the mummy was in a fairly intact state in Changsha City, Hunan Province, China. Later, the mummy was identified as Xin Zhui , also known as the Great Lady , the wife of the Grand Marquis, living in the Han Dynasty, di‌ed in 163 BC.

Ms. Xin Zhui was buried with more than 10,000 precious objects including: 100 silk gowns, 160 expensive lacquers and makeup, personal hygiene items and many wooden carvings ill‌ּustrated for those served her.

Her body was found wrapped in 20 layers of silk clothes, placed inside a closed 4-layer coffin. Mixed coffins are charcoal and the outside is sealed with clay, to prevent bacteria from entering.

In particular, her body was soaked in a mysterious liquid that scientists still do not have an accurate answer to. It is this liquid that preserves the mummy perfectly, with all the internal organs, including the part of the brain that is still preserved.

Specifically, although the body was more than 2,000 years old, her tissues were still soft. Her limbs were still able to bend, while her hair was still very thick. In particular, scientists found that, in the vein of the mummy still blood. Scientists have identified Ms. Xin Zhui’s blood type as blood type A.

It is known that the researchers performed an autopsy in December 1972. The results showed that she di‌ed at age 50, most likely due to a heart attack due to poor health.

They also suspected she had diabetes. Even so, she lived longer than her husband and son, since both were found buried in the same grave next to her. However, their remains were decomposed over time and no longer kept intact like her.

According to historians, Xin Zhui is a respectable noble woman, living a luxurious and luxurious life. Before dying about 2 hours, this woman had eaten melon because the researchers found a lot of melon seeds in the stomach of the body.

With the current findings and conjectures, information about Ms. Xin Zhui as well as the mummification that the Han Dynasty once performed is still a big question for all humanity.

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