Amazon narrowed retail sales in China

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Amazon is planning to close online retail operations for consumers in China, acknowledging the failure of local e-commerce rivals like Alibaba, and a report on Thursday. said.
Amazon narrowed retail sales in China

Bloomberg News, the US e-commerce pioneer will maintain other activities in China such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kindle e-books and cross-border groups that help transport goods from Chinese merchants. Country to customers in the country.

Despite being dominant in the United States and a number of other markets, Amazon struggled to compete in China with giants like Alibaba and, the country’s famous selling websites.

This happened despite Amazon’s investment in logistics in China as well as the acquisition of Chinese online bookstore Joyo in 2004.

An Amazon spokesman did not clearly confirm the withdrawal plans, but said the company is looking to focus more on cross-border sales.

"In the past few years, we have developed an online retail business in the Chinese market with the desire to increase cross-border sales but in return, we have received very strong responses from customers. Chinese goods, "the spokesman said in a statement emailed to AFP.

The company has made "operational adjustments to focus our efforts on cross-border sales in China," the statement said.

They added that "we will continue to invest and develop in China throughout Amazon Global Store, Global Sell, AWS, Kindle devices and content."

Bloomberg analysis, the move is the latest sign that Amazon, due to its ability to compete with tough Chinese rivals, will focus its foreign investment on India’s growing market. Degree.

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