Unusual liver disease attacks people who have had Covid-19 in India

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Indian scientists have discovered a new unusual sequelae affecting people who have had Covid-19 in India - liver “abscesses“.
Unusual liver disease attacks people who have had Covid-19 in India
Many Covid-19 patients in India have suffered many dangerous sequelae after being cured of the disease (Artwork: Reuters).

NDTV quoted a report from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi as saying that this medical facility has recorded cases of patients recovering from Covid-19 due to steroid treatment, having developed "abscesses". large and many abnormalities in the liver.

"abscess" is a term for inflammation that accumulates into a soft, pus-filled mass made of bacteria, white blood cells ... "abscess" of the liver is a disease usually caused by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica transmitted contaminated food and water.

"During the second wave of Covid-19 infections from April-May, some Covid-19 patients showed unusual symptoms. For the first time in the past two months, we have witnessed masses of "abscesses" "The liver is enlarged and abnormal in 14 patients after being cured of Covid-19," said Professor Anil Arora of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

Professor Anil Arora, also from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, said that the patients they treat range from 28 to 74 years old. All of them had fever and upper abdominal pain and many patients had unusually large "abscesses", with the largest measuring 19 cm.

Arora commented that the immunosuppression due to SARS-CoV-2 infection along with the use of steroids to treat Covid-19 and the delay in treatment in patients recovering from Covid-19 can lead to the development of many large "abscesses" in the liver.  

Dr Praveen Sharma, from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, said that during the current pandemic, if a patient recovered from Covid-19 has symptoms such as fever and pain in the right abdomen, doctors need to intervene promptly. in the form of early diagnosis for effective medical treatment of patients.

Steroids are a popular treatment for severe and critical Covid-19 patients in India during the second wave of infection. However, the post-treatment sequelae caused by this drug are also quite serious. One of the most severe sequelae is "black fungus". India currently has 45,000 cases of the disease and 4,200 deaths.

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