Biomedical department of the Russian Federation proposed medicine to treat corona virus

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Russian Federal Biomedical Agency (FMBA) has introduced a drug to treat the new strain of coronavirus COVID-19.
Biomedical department of the Russian Federation proposed medicine to treat corona virus
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Russia’s FMBA "Pharmazia" research and production center, taking into account the experience of China and France, has developed a coronavirus treatment regimen based on Mefloquine anti-malarial drug.

The Russian Federal Biomedical Agency is also doing research to create an effective and safe plan based on Mefloquine to prevent coronavirus infection, which not only allows passage of the epidemic peak, but also effectively controls the future. 

Currently, the total number of coronavirus infections in Russia is 1,264 (817 of them in Moscow), 49 have recovered, 4 di‌ed. In all regions of Russia has issued high alert mode.

Previously, French scientists also reported the successful results of clinical research after combining two existing drugs - hydroxychloroquine (a drug to treat malaria) and azithromycin (to treat). a series of bacterial infections) to cure SARS-CoV-2 infections.

French scientists conducted the first clinical studies on the effectiveness of using hydroxychloroquine separately and in combination with azithromycin antibiotic to treat COVID-19 at the Méditerranée Infection Infectious Hospital facility. of Marseille University Hospital.

The study involved 36 adult patients, with both COVID-19 symptoms and asymptomatic individuals, who were confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 using a nasopharyngeal scan. Those who did not agree to use the new drug were placed in a control group of 16, who were still treated with the same regimen as before, that is, symptomatic treatment and antibiotics to prevent bacterial superinfection.

The remaining 14 patients took 200 milligrams of hydroxychloroquine sulfate three times daily for 10 days. Six of them, in addition to hydroxychloroquine, were given 500 milligrams of azithromycin daily for the first two days to prevent superinfection, then 250 milligrams for four days. All six patients received a good combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. Every day they take an electrocardiogram to make sure there are no side effects on the heart.

On the fifth day, in all six patients, coronavirus tests were negative, the results were confirmed on the following days. Thus, all patients with COVID-19 in the experimental group were cured completely within five days.
The scientists noted that, despite the fact that the trial group was small and to confirm the results, larger clinical trials were needed, but the results were encouraging. . 

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