Scene Tram Aпʜ burst into tears in the movie that had just been cast

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The Aпʜ Tram performed quite emotionally, although not a professional actor.
Scene Tram Aпʜ burst into tears in the movie that had just been cast
Aпʜ Tram

The public buzzed with suspicion of hot girl Tram Aпʜ revealing the noise-causing clip. From the moment the incident began to be discussed, Tram Aпʜ still did not speak up. At the same time, she also limited updating images and information on social networks. Before getting into rumors, Tram Aпʜ was invited to as‌sume the role of the female lead in sitcom with a topic revolving around school life entitled "Super stir".

Scene Tram Aпʜ burst into tears in the movie that had just been cast

Aпʜ Brooch (on the left - pv) with Nhat Thuy Idol.

Although 8 episodes have been closed and the film crew prepares a press conference to announce the project, but with the mess over the past days, the producer decided to cut the role of Tram Aпʜ.

Talking about the problem of affecting both the money and the progress of the crew, the producer representative is Japanese singer Shui Idol, who has not been confirmed to be ѕсап ძ а Լ noisy.

But because the movie has a student audience, students have to find alternative actors to avoid bad influences.

When having to press again and choose another actor, Nhat Thuy Idol still affirms Tram Aпʜ is a capable person, good working attitude and role.

The rare image of Tram Aпʜ in the movie is cut off.

Never turned on the hint of participating in sitcom "Super stir", but 1 month ago, Tram Aпʜ posted on personal clip page wearing student attire, along with Nhat Thuy Idol and the performers performed full dance impressive.

If the other actors in the film crew are quite embarrassed to dance to the music, Tram Aпʜ clearly shows the confidence when showing the director in front of the camera. This clip is also more or less Tіêᴛ Լ ộ created by the hot 9x girl in the movie to be cut.

Also in another clip, Tram Aпʜ still wore the student clothes and acted in tears in the classroom. It can be seen that despite being an amateur actor, Tram Aпʜ performed quite an emotional scene.

Tram Aпʜ was born in 1995 in a family of 3 brothers in Thanh Hoa. Having been named a "hot girl pharmacist" by the network community, Tram Aпʜ became well known when participating in a series of programs such as: Hot with World Cup, Love Puzzle, Army Apple ...

Famously accompanied by noisy, at the time of the most interest, Tram Aпʜ was "peeled" by the people about fixing her nose, making teeth ... Story of Tram Aпʜ hastily accepted a date Pew Pew in a TV show also became into topics that are discussed for a long time.

In 2019, Tram Aпʜ expressed her desire to try acting in the field of acting.

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