Australia equipped with artificial intelligence for agricultural robots

Kitty Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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2 years ago, Australia developed a remote controlled cattle grazing robot, now has 2 new types of SwagBot and Digital Farmhand robots equipped with artificial intelligence with outstanding features that can be replaced. Good for farmers.
Australia equipped with artificial intelligence for agricultural robots

According to , Australian engineers are preparing for two unique robots to work on farms. These robots not only track plant growth and know how to weed, but even graze cattle, take away the work of shepherds and shepherd dogs.

With a 4-wheel drive design, robots can move on rough terrain, track gardens, drive trailers, interact with horses and stack co‌ws in the right direction. The first version of the universal robot for farmers was built in 2016 and it is remote controlled. The current SwagBot robot can operate independently thanks to artificial intelligence. SwagBot is designed for large farms where robots can be fully developed.

For small farms, Agerris is developing its second product, Digital Farmhand. This robot will be able to take care of removing weeds without using chemicals, conducting smart watering for plants and estimating the yield of future crops. It is especially suitable for beds or row plants. Manufacturers are hoping that the robot will cost quite cheaply in line with the pockets of farmers in developing countries. Agerris products may appear on the market after 12 months. First, robots will appear on the Australian market and then around the world. But before that you need to take the necessary tests.

According to the forecast, regardless of the commercial fate of the two types of SwagBot and Digital Farmhand robots, the agricultural robot market may grow rapidly in the next 10 years. Start-up companies are developing self-driving tractors, agricultural drones and fruit picking machines.

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